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Surveillance opérationnelle des volcans français : développements récents à la Guadeloupe François
Beauducel |
Résumé. Les récentes avancées scientifiques en volcanologie et la multiplication des techniques de surveillance complexifient le travail d'interprétation des observatoires opérationnels, qui doivent maintenant intégrer en temps-réel des centaines de paramètres issus de mesures pluridisciplinaires. Les observatoires volcanologiques de l'IPGP ont développé et mis en place un outil informatique novateur dans une optique d'aide à la surveillance et à la gestion de crise.
Abstract. Operational monitoring of French volcanoes: Recent advances in Guadeloupe. Volcanological observatories have common needs and often common practical problems for multi disciplinary data monitoring applications. In fact, accessing to integrated data in real-time and measurements uncertainties estimation are keys for a strike interpretation, but instruments variety, data sampling and acquisition systems heterogeneity lead to difficulties that may check a crisis management. We have developed in the last few years an operational system that attempts to answer these questions, considering our 20 different networks and more than 200 permanent sensors installed in Guadeloupe. Based on a single computer server and a Web interface, the whole raw data are processed using automatic routines presently every minute for continuous seismology, and every hour for other slower acquisitions. Graphics are defined on preset moving time intervals mostly used for interpretation: last day, month, year, 10 years, all available data, and user defined. Numerical and graphical results are presented per station (calibrated data), per monitoring network (processed data), and the system is widely open to inter disciplines real-time modeling. Moreover, computers, stations and individual sensors states are checked automatically using simple criteria (files update and signal quality), and displayed as synthetic pages for technical control. This system leads to a real-time Internet access for integrated monitoring and becomes a strong support for scientists and technicians’ exchanges. It has been set up last year in Montagne Pelée observatory, and is planed to be installed in Piton de la Fournaise observatory.
Related papers: [Beauducel et al., 2004]