Physicienne-Adjointe HC |
Address - Adresse : Laboratoire de Dynamique des
Fluides Géologiques Tel.: +33 (0)1 83 95 74 01 |
Interests - Domaines de recherche Plumes and mixing
in the Earth mantle - Panaches et mélange dans le manteau
terrestre. |
Activities - Autres activités Scientific coordinator and editor of the scientific education section of the IPGP Web Site - Coordinatrice scientifique et éditrice de la rubrique de vulgarisation Notre Terre du site WEB de l'IPGP Scientific education - Vulgarisation scientifique |
X. Hill, G. Brandeis, and C. Jaupart, "Convection and melting under a solid plate", J. Fluid Mech., in prep |
F. Touitou, G. Brandeis, and A. Davaille, "Sampling by mantle plume", Geochemis. Geophys. Geosyst., in prep |
A. Morand, G. Brandeis and S. Tait, "Analogue experiments for modeling the storage of silicic magmas in the continental crust", J. Volcanol Geother Res, in prep |
A. Morand, G. Brandeis and S. Tait, "Application of a plate model to reproduce surface deformations observed at Ututuncu volcano, Bolivia", J. Volcanol Geother Res, 2020, soumis |
A. Morand, G. Brandeis, and S. Tait, "Modeling the stress in the continental crust of a large silicic system with a plate model". AGU V51H-0130, EOS 2019 |
A. Morand, G. Brandeis, and S.Tait, "A new model of magma storage in continental crust applied to silicic super-volcanoes",
AGU V23E-0117, EOS 2018 |
A. Morand, G. Brandeis, and S.Tait, "Theoretical model constrained by analogue experiments for modeling the storage of silicic magmas in the continental crust", Cities on Volcanoes 10, ID: 1014, 2018 |
A. Morand, S. Tait, and G. Brandeis, "Analogue experiments for modeling the storage of silicic magmas in the continental crust", Geophys. Res Abstracts, 20, EGU2018-9035, 2018 |
D. Jurine, C. Jaupart and G. Brandeis, Destabilization of the Lithosphere by Mantle Plume, J. Geophys. Res. , Solid Earth , in prep |
T. Lebrun, H. Massol, E. Chassefière, A. Davaille, E. Marcq, P. Sarda, F. Leblanc, and G. Brandeis, "Thermal evolution of an early magma ocean in interaction with the atmosphere : conditions for the condensation of a water ocean", Bio Web of Conferences, Vol 2, 01006, doi:10.1051/bioconf/20140201006, 2014 |
G. Brandeis, F. Touitou, and A. Davaille, "Sampling by mantle plumes: the legacy of the plume source", AGU DI21-2248, EOS, 2013 |
T. Lebrun, H. Massol, E. Chassefière, A. Davaille, E. Marcq, P. Sarda, F. Leblanc, and G. Brandeis, "Thermal evolution of an early magma ocean in interaction with the atmosphere", J. Geophys. Res. Planets, Vol 118, 1155–1176, doi:10.1002/jgre.20068, 2013 |
F. Touitou, A. Davaille G. Brandeis, I. Kumagai and J. Vatteville, "Transient mantle plumes ; hot heads and cold stem", Geophys Res Abstracts, 14, EGU2012 - 5288, 2012 |
D. Jurine, C. Jaupart, G. Brandeis, and P. J. Tackley, "Penetration of Mantle Plumes Through Depleted Lithosphere", J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth , Vol110, B10104, doi:10.1029/2005JB003751, 2005 |
S. Vergniolle and G. Brandeis, "Strombolian explosions. 1. A large bubble breaking at the surface of lava column as a source of sound," , J. Geophys. Res., vol. 101, pp.20,433-447, 1996. |
S. Vergniolle, G. Brandeis, and J. C. Mareschal, "Strombolian explosions. 2. Eruption dynamics determined from acoustic measurements," , J. Geophys. Res., vol. 101, pp.20,449-466, 1996. |
G. Brandeis, "En direct des panaches," La Recherche (Paris), no. 274, pp. 302-304, 1995. |
S. Vergniolle and G. Brandeis, "Origin of the sound generated by strombolian eruptions,", Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 21, pp. 1959-1962, 1994. |
A. Weill, G. Brandeis, S. Vergniolle, F. Baudin, J. Bilbille, J.-F. Feve, B. Piron, and X. Hill, "Acoustic sounder measurements of the vertical velocity of volcanic jets at Stromboli volcano," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 19, pp. 2357-2360, 1992. |
G. Brandeis, "Constraints on the formation of cyclic units in ultramafic zones of large basaltic chambers," Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., vol. 112, pp. 312-328, 1992. |
G. Brandeis, "Crystallization and convection in cooling magma chambers", in "Growth and Form", NATO ASI series, vol. 276, M. Ben Amar et al. ( ed.), Plenuum Press, New York, pp. 475 - 482, 1991. |
G. Brandeis and B. D. Marsh, "Transient magmatic convection prolonged by solidification," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol. 17, pp. 1125-1128, 1990. |
G. Brandeis and B. D. Marsh, "The convective liquidus in a solidifying magma chamber : a fluid dynamic investigation", Nature (Lond), vol. 339, pp. 613-616, 1989. |
C. Jaupart and G. Brandeis, "The record of magmatic processes by crystallization", Chem. Geol. ,vol. 70, p. 87, 1988 |
G. Brandeis and C. Jaupart, "Towards scaling laws for the interpretation of igneous structures," in "Structure and dynamics of partially solidified systems", D.E. Loper (ed), Martinus Nijhoff Publisher, Dordrecht, pp. 329-347, 1987. |
G. Brandeis and C. Jaupart, "Characteristic dimensions and times for dynamic crystallization", in "Origins of igneous layering", NATO ASI series, vol. 196, I. Parsons (ed.), Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 613-639, 1987. |
G. Brandeis and C. Jaupart, "The kinetics of nucleation and crystal growth and scaling laws for magmatic crystallization," Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., vol. 96, pp. 24-34, 1987. |
G. Brandeis and C. Jaupart, "Crystal sizes in intrusions of different dimensions : constraints on the cooling regime and the crystallization kinetics", in "Magmatic Processes : physico chemical processes", B.O. Mysen (ed.), Geochem.Spec. Pub. 1, B.O. Mysen (ed.) , pp. 307-318, 1987. |
G. Brandeis and C. Jaupart, "On the interaction between convection and crystallization in cooling magma chambers," Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, vol. 77, pp. 141-156, 1986. |
G. Brandeis, "Modèles physiques de convection et cristallisation dans les chambres magmatiques". Thèse d'Etat, Université Paris 7, 1986. |
C. Jaupart and G. Brandeis, "The stagnant bottom layer of convecting magma chambers," Earth Planet. Sci. Lett, vol. 80, pp. 183-199, 1986. |
G. Brandeis, C. Jaupart, and C.J. Allègre, "Nucleation crystal growth and the thermal regime of cooling magmas", J. Geophys. Res., vol. 89, pp. 10161-10177, 1984. |
C. Jaupart, G. Brandeis, and C. J. Allègre, "Stagnant layers at the bottom of convecting magma chambers", Nature (Lond), vol. 308, pp. 535-538, 1984. |
M. Feuillard, C.J .Allègre, G.. Brandeis, R. Gaulon, J.L. Le Mouël, J.C. Mercier, J.P. Pozzi, M. Semet, "The 1975-1977 crisis of la Soufrière de Guadeloupe (F.W.I.): a still-born magmatic eruption ", J. Volcanol Geother Res, 16, pp. 317-334, 1983. |
G. Brandeis, Contribution à l'étude des couches limites dans une chambre magmatique. Thèse de Docteur Ingénieur, Université Paris 7, 1983. |
education - Articles de vulgarisation
Les Volcans - Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
Les Chambres Magmatiques - Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
Le Lac de Lave - Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
Failles actives et Séismes : (1) Observations de terrain - Bertrand Meyer et Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
Failles actives et Séismes : (2) Analyse des Déformations à partir des Images Satellites - Bertrand Meyer et Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
Le Flux de Chaleur dans un bouclier continental - Frédérique Rolandone et Geneviève Brandeis - 2002 |
Structure de la Terre - Geneviève Brandeis - 2001 |
En direct des panaches - Geneviève Brandeis, La Recherche (Paris), no. 274, pp. 302-304, 1995 |