Some apparatus and methods used for data acquisition

during the last few years


·         Stratagem

-         4-component (2D Audio Magnetotellurics): Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy

-         manufacturer: Geometrics, Inc.

-         source: natural and controlled source

-         transmitter: 2 orthogonal vertical loop antennas:

§         frequency range: 1 kHz – 70 kHz

§         momentum: 400 A.m2

§         surface: 4 m2 each

-         magnetic sensors:

§         frequency ranges: 10 Hz – 100 kHz  and  0.1 Hz – 1 kHz

-         investigation depth: 10 – 1000 meters, depending on the substratum resistivity



(above images from Geometrics, Inc.)




Click on each image to enlarge.

(above images from the La Réunion campaign, 2001)


·         Samtec 2

-         5-component (3D Magnetotellurics): Ex, Ey, Hx, Hy, Hz  or  7-component (remote reference)

-         source: natural electromagnetic field

-         frequency range:

§         0.0005 – 7500 Hz

§         54 frequencies: 3 bands  x  18 preset values

-         magnetic sensors: cover MT and Audio MT range, with internal calibration coils

-         electric sensors: nonpolarizable Pb-PbCl electrodes with battery powered preamplifiers

-         investigation depth: a few kilometres



(measuring the depth of a water table above dunes near a beach)


·         VLF

-         manufacturer: Iris Instruments

-         source: radio transmitters

-         frequency range: 10 – 30 kHz

-         operating modes:

§         tilt angle mode: conductive targets (3 magnetic components are measured)

§         resistivity mode: conductive and resistive targets (1 electric and 1 magnetic components)



(images from Iris Instruments and from field training period)


·         EM-31

-         Slingram-type electromagnetic mapping system

-         manufacturer: Geonics, Inc.

-         investigating range: a few meters

tea time

(images to come)

·         TDEM

-         TDEM: Time-Domain Electromagnetism sounding system

-         uses the diffusion of a transient EM field for determining the electrical resistivity versus depth

-         the EM transient field is created by the sudden turn-off of an electrical current which circulates in a known-shaped loop of wire situated on the ground surface

-         the transitory response is measured by a receiver coil during the turn-off of the primary field

-         investigating range: classically down to 100 meters, but varies upon the resistivity, the frequencies and the geometry of the primary field coil



TEM 47 transmitter,  Protem receiver,  TEM 57 receiver coil,  principle of the TDEM sounding.


·         G-858 Cesium magnetometer / gradiometer

-         operating range: 17 000 – 100 000 nT

-         sensitivity:

§         0.05 nT at 0.1 sec cycle rate

§         0.01 nT at 1.0 sec cycle rate

-         manufacturer: Geometrics, Inc.



(images from Geometrics, Inc. and from field measurments)


·         Pulse Ekko ground penetrating radar

-         manufacturer: Trimble, Inc.


(images from field measurements)


·         Syscal resistivity meter

-         DC Wenner / Schlumberger sounding

-         manufacturer: Iris Instruments

-         SP measure and compensation

-         investigating range: several hundreds of meters



·         Terraloc Mark 6

-         24 / 48 channel seismic equipment

-         manufacturer: ABEM Instrument AB

-         applications:

§         high-resolution (0.25 ms maximum sampling rate) refraction and reflection surveys

§         crosshole seismic surveys



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Last modified: September 3, 2010.