e-mail :
simoes (at) ipgp.fr
(Last updated : December 2020)
- since oct. 2007 :
Chargée de Recherche (CNRS) at Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (France)
- 2006-2007 :
Post-doctoral fellow at Géosciences Rennes (France) in collaboration with
J. Braun (Géosciences Rennes).
- 2002-2005 – PhD (IPGP,
Paris)): « Crustal deformation and thermal evolution of a collisional orogen :
example of Taiwan ». Realized at CalTech (USA). Advisor: JP Avouac (Caltech).
- 2002 - DEA (Master)
Physics and Internal Geodynamics ENS - Univ. ParisXI
- 1999-2004 : Student at
ENS Paris
- Kinematics of deformation of
mountain ranges, over different time and space scales : from the seismic cycle
to long-term (ie over Myr) deformation.
- Geomorphology and active
tectonics: how do rivers respond to active deformation ? How is this
deformation recorded in the landscape?
- Interactions between tectonics and
surface processes
- Seismic hazards
My research is essentially based on
the morphological analysis of active tectonics, at an intermediate time scale
(~1s kyr to ~100s kyr), and aims at linking this deformation to long-term
tectonics or to the seismic cycle, by integrating results from other
disciplines (structural geology, petrology, thermochronology, sedimentology,
geomorphology, Quaternary dating, seismology, geodesy, etc).
- Kinematics of deformation of the
Western Kunlun mountain range (Xinjiang, China) over variable spatial and
temporal scales, and implications for regional seismic hazards.
(PhD project Christelle Guilbaud - defended - and Post-Doctoral fellow
Guillaume Baby)
=> currently looking for a
post-doc fellow on seismo-tectonics and space geodesy (click here if interest!)
Funded by ANR (SLOWDEF project - grant ANR-18-CE31-0008)
- Structural architecture and
mountain-building of the Central Andes (Chili).
(PhD project of Magali Riesner - defended - , and with PhD student Tania
- Geomorphology and active
deformation of the Himalayas (Bhutan).
(in collaboration with PhD student Timothée Sassolas - Serrayet from
- Active deformation and
mountain-building of the Taiwan range.
Follow the link for the complete list : publications
Research Gate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Martine_Simoes
Research Id : https://publons.com/researcher/2808812/martine-simoes/