Tel: +262 262 275 872
German bachelor - Physics and natural sciences in Ravensburg, Germany.
Diploma in physics - Heidelberg University - 1976
PhD at the “Max Planck Institut Heidelberg” (cosmochemistry) - 1978
Title: “Absolute Chronology of the lunar mare Serenitatis using the 40Ar-39Ar method and the behaviour of the K-AR clock during cosmic impacts”.
JESSBERGER E. K., KIRSTEN T. & STAUDACHER TH., Ages of plutonic clasts in Consortium breccia 73215, Lunar Science VII, 431-433, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1976.
JESSBERGER E. K., KIRSTEN T. & STAUDACHER TH., Argon-argon ages of Consortium breccia 73215, Proc. 7th Lunar Sci. Conf., 2201-2215, 1976.
JESSBERGER E. K., STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B. & KIRSTEN T., "Alte" Einschlüsse in "jungen" Mondbrekzien. Fortschr. d. Mineral. 55, Bd. 169, 1977.
JESSBERGER E. K., KIRSTEN T. & STAUDACHER TH., One rock and many ages - Further K-Ar data of Consortium breccia 73215, Proc. 8th Lunar Sci. Conf. Vol. 2, 2567-2580, 1977.
JESSBERGER E. K., DOMINIK B., KIRSTEN T. & STAUDACHER TH., New 40Ar-39Ar ages of Apollo 16 breccias and 4.42 AE old anorthosites. Lunar Science VIII, 511-513, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1977.
JESSBERGER E. K., STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B. & HERZOG G. F., 40Ar-39Ar dating of the Pueblito de Allende meteorite, Meteoritics 12, 266-269, 1977.
JESSBERGER E. K., DOMINIK B., SCHAEFFER O. K. & STAUDACHER TH., K-Ar Systematics of Impact Breccia from the Nördlinger Ries, EOS 58, 921, 1977
STAUDACHER TH., JESSBERGER E. K. & KIRSTEN T., 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of Consortium breccia 73215 II, Lunar Science VIII, 896-898, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1977
DOMINIK B., JESSBERGER E. K., STAUDACHER TH., NAGEL K. & EL GORESY A., A new type of inclusion in Allende: Petrography, mineral chemistry, argon-argon ages and genetic implications. Proc. 9th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 1249-1266, 1978.
JESSBERGER E. K., STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B. & KIRSTEN T., Argon-argon ages of aphanite samples from consortium breccia 73255, Proc. 9th Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf., 841-854, 1978
JESSBERGER E. K., DOMINIK B., STAUDACHER TH., NAGEL K. & EL GORESY A., Geochemistry and dating of a new type white inclusion of Allende, Lunar Science IX, 594-596, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1978.
JESSBERGER E. K., STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B., KIRSTEN T. & SCHAEFFER O. A., Limited response of the K-Ar system to the Nördlinger Ries gigant meteorite impact. Nature 271, 338-339, 1978.
STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B., JESSBERGER E. K. & KIRSTEN T., Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar dating, Lunar Science IX, 1098-1100, The Lunar Science Institute, Houston, 1978.
STAUDACHER TH., JESSBERGER E. K., DÖRFLINGER D. & KIKO J., A refined ultrahigh-vaccum furnace for rare gas analysis, J. Phys. E.: Scientific Instruments, Vol 11, 781-784, 1978.
STAUDACHER TH., JESSBERGER E. K., FLOHS I. & KIRSTEN T., 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of consortium breccia 73255. Proc. Lunar Planet. Sci. Conf. 10, 745-762, 1979.
STAUDACHER TH., DOMINIK B., FLOHS I., JESSBERGER E. K. & KIRSTEN T., New 40Ar-39Ar ages for Aphanites and Clasts of Consortium breccia 73255, Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. X, 1163-1165, 1979.
FLOHS I., JORDAN J., KIRSTEN T. & STAUDACHER TH., Joint K-Ar; Pu-Xe; I-Xe Chronometry of Ordinary Chondrites, Meteoritics 14, 397-411, 1980.
JESSBERGER E. K., DOMINIK B., STAUDACHER TH. & HERZOG G. F., 40Ar-39Ar ages of Allende, Icarus 42, 380-405, 1980.
JESSBERGER E. K. & STAUDACHER TH., On the maximal temperature of the Nördlinger Ries Ejecta, Meteoritics 14, 432, 1980.
STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Terrestrial Xenology, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 60, 389-406., 1982.
STAUDACHER TH., JESSBERGER E. K., DOMINIK B., KIRSTEN T. & SCHAEFFER O. A., 40Ar-39Ar ages of rocks and glasses from the Nördlinger Ries Crater and the Temperature History of Impact Breccias, J. of Geophysics 51, 1-11, 1982.
ALLÈGRE C. J., STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH. & KURZ M., Constraints on evolution of Earth's mantle from rare gas systematics, Nature 303, 762-766, 1983.
SARDA PH., STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., 40Ar-36Ar in MORB glasses: constraints on atmosphere and mantle evolution, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 72, 357-375, 1985.
ALLÈGRE C. J., STAUDACHER TH. & SARDA PH., Rare Gas Systematics: Formation of the Atmosphere, evolution and structure of the Earth's mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 81, 127-150, 1986/87.
STAUDACHER TH., KURZ M. D. & ALLÈGRE C. J., New noble gas data on glass samples from Loihi Seamount and on dunite samples from Loihi and Réunion Island, Chemical Geology 56, 193-205, 1986.
STAUDACHER TH., Upper mantle origin for Harding County well gases, Nature 325, 605-607, 1987.
SARDA PH., STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Neon isotopes in submarine basalts, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 91, 73-88, 1988.
STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Recycling of oceanic crust and sediments: the noble gas subduction barrier, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 89, 173-183, 1988.
STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Noble gases in glass samples from Tahiti: Teahitia, Rocard and Mehetia, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 93, 210-222, 1989.
STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH., RICHARDSON S. H., ALLÈGRE C. J., SAGNA I. & DMITRIEV L. V., Noble gases in basalt glasses from a Mid-Atlantic Ridge Topographic High at 14°N: Geodynamic Consequences, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 96, 119 - 133, 1989.
STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Origin of josephinites, a new noble gas study, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 98, 380 - 389, 1990.
STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Noble gas systematics on Réunion Island, Indien Ocean, Chemical Geology, 89, 1-17, 1990.
STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Cosmogenic Neon in Ultramafic Nodules from Asia and in Quartzite from Antarctica, Earth and Planetary Science Express, pp V-VII, october 1991.
ALLÈGRE CJ., SARDA PH. & STAUDACHER TH., Speculation about the cosmic origin of He and Ne in the interior of the Earth, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 117, pp 229-233, 1993
SARDA PH., STAUDACHER TH., ALLÈGRE C.J. & LECOMTE A., Cosmogenic neon and helium at Réunion: measurement of erosion rate Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 119, pp 405-117, 1993
STAUDACHER TH & ALLÈGRE C.J., The cosmic ray produced 3He/21Ne ratio in ultramafic rocks, Geophys. Res. Lett. 20, pp. 1075-1078, 1993
STAUDACHER TH & ALLÈGRE C.J., Ages of the second caldera of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion) determined by cosmic ray produced 3He and 21Ne, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 119, pp 395-404, 1993
ALLÈGRE C.J., MOREIRA M. & STAUDACHER TH., 4He/3He dispersion and mantle convection, Geophys. Res. Lett. 22, pp 2325-2328, 1995
MOREIRA M., STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH., SCHILLING J.-G. & ALLÈGRE C.J., A primitive plume neon component in MORB: The Shona ridge-anomaly, South Atlantic (51-52°S), Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 133, pp 367-377, 1995
STAUDACHER TH., & ALLEGRE C.J., Taux d'érosion déterminé par 3He cosmogénique dans des régions volcaniques de la Réunion fortement découpées, Comité National Français et de Géophysique, Rapport Quadrienal 1991-1994, pp 83-86, 1995
MOREIRA M., VALBRACHT P.J., STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH. & ALLÈGRE C.J., rare gases systematics in Red Sea ridge basalt, Geophys. Res. Lett. 23, 2453-2456, 1996
VALBRACHT P.J., STAUDACHER TH., MALAHOFF & ALLÈGRE C.J., Noble gas systematics of deep riftzone glasses from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 150(3-4), 399-411, 1997
KUNZ J., STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C.J., Plutonium-Fission Xenon found in Earth’s Mantle, Science 280, pp 877-880, 1998.
BUREAU H., MÉTRICH N., SEMET M.P. & STAUDACHER TH., Fluid-Magma decoupling in a hot-spot volcano, Geophysical Res. Lett., 3501-3504, 1999
SARDA PH., MOREIRA M. & STAUDACHER TH., Argon - lead isotopic correlation in Mid Oceanic Ridge Basalts, Science, January 1999, Vol. 283 no. 5402 pp. 666-668 DOI: 10.1126/science.283.5402.666.
SEIDEL J.L., MONNIN M., GARCIA VINDAS J.R., RICARD L.P., & STAUDACHER TH., Systematic radon survey over active volcanoes, Il Nuovo Cimento, Società Italiana di Fisica, Vol 22C, 363-368, 1999
EVANS B. AND STAUDACHER TH., In situ measurements of gas discharges across fissures associated with lava flows at Réunion Island, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research Volume 106, Issues 3–4, May 2001, Pages 255–263
SARDA PH., MOREIRA M. AND STAUDACHER TH. (2000). Rare gas systematics on the southernmost Mid-Atlantic Ride: Constraints on the lower mantle and the Dupal source. J. Geophys. Res., Vol 105, p. 5973-5996. 2000 doi:10.1029/1999JB900282
BHUGWANT, C., SIEJA, B., PERRON, L., RIVIERE, E., ET STAUDACHER, T., Impact régional du dioxyde de soufre d’origine volcanique induit par l’éruption du Piton de La Fournaise (Ile de La Réunion) en juin-juillet 2001, Pollution Atmosphérique, N° 176, 527-539, oct-déc. 02, janvier 2003.
Froger, J.-L., Fukushima, Y., Briole, P., STAUDACHER, TH., Souriot, T., Villeneuve, N., 2004. The deformation field of the August 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, mapped by ASAR interferometry, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L14601, doi:10.1029/2004GL020479.
Battaglia, J., K. Aki and T. STAUDACHER, 2005, Location of tremor sources and estimation of lava output using tremor source amplitude on the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, 2. Estimation of lava output, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., doi:10.1016-j.jvolgeores.2005.04.006.
Battaglia, J., V. Ferrazzini, T. STAUDACHER, K. Aki and J.-L. Cheminee, 2005, Pre-eruptive migration of earthquakes at the Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion island), Geophys. J. Int., 161, 549-558.
Coppola, D., STAUDACHER, TH., and Cigolini, C., 2005, The May–July 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion): Volume, effusion rates, and emplacement mechanisms inferred from thermal imaging and global positioning system (GPS) survey, in Manga, M., and Ventura, G., eds., Kinematics and dynamics of lava flows
Longpré M.A., TH. STAUDACHER & J. Stix, 2005, The November 2002 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Réunion Island: ground deformation, seismicity and pit crater collaps, Bulletin of volcanology, doi.10.1007/s00445-006-0087-0
VLASTÉLIC I. & STAUDACHER TH., Rapid change of lava composition from 1998 through 2002 at Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island) inferred from Pb isotopes and trace elements: evidence for variable crustal contamination, 2005, Journal of Petrology46, 79-107
MICHON L., SAINT – AUGE F., BACHELERY P., VILLENEUVE N., STAUDACHER TH., 2006, Role of the structural inheritance of the lithosphere in the magmatic tectonic evolution deformation of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion Island), J. Geophys. 112BO4205. doi: 10.1029/2006JB004598
Peltier A., Staudacher T., Catherine P., Ricard L.P., Kowalski P., Bachèrlery P., Subtle precursors of volcanic eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise, 2006, Geophy. Res. Lett., vol 33, l06315, doi: 10.1029/2005GL02495
COPPOLA D., STAUDACHER, TH., CIGOLINI C., (2007) Field thermal monitoring during the August 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion). J Geophys Res 112: B05215. DOI:10.1029/
Urai M., Geshi N., Staudacher Th., Size and volume evaluation of the caldera collapse on Piton de la Fournaise volcano during the pril 2007 eruption using ASTER stereo imagery, Geophys. Res. Lett., vol 34, L22318, doi:10.1029/2007GL031551, 2007
Michon, L., T. STAUDACHER, V. Ferrazzini, P. Bachèlery, J. Marti (2007) - April 2007 collapse of Piton de la Fournaise: A new example of caldera formation, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L21301, doi:10.1029/2007GL031248.
Letourneur L., Peltier A., STAUDACHER TH., Gudmundsson A., 2008, The effects of rock heterogeneities on dyke paths and asymmetric ground deformation: The example of Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island) Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 173, 289–302, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.01.018
Peltier, A., V. Famin, P. Bachèlery, V. Cayol, Y. Fukushima, and TH., STAUDACHER (2008), Cyclic magma storages and transfers at Piton de La Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island) inferred from deformation and geochemical data. Earth. Planet. Sci. Lett. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.02.042, 270,180-188.
Antoine, R., D. Baratoux, M. Rabinowicz, F. Fontaine, P. Bachelery, T. STAUDACHER, G. Saracco & A. Finizola, 2009, Thermal infrared images analysis of a quiescent cone on Piton de la Fournaise volcano: Evidence of convective air flow within an unconsolidated soil, J. Volcanology and Geothermal. Research, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.12.003.
Bhugwant C., Siéja B., Bessafi M., STAUDACHER T., Ecormier J., (2009) - Atmospheric sulfur dioxide measurements during the 2005 and 2007 eruptions of the Piton de La Fournaise volcano: Implications for human health and environmental changes. J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184, 208–224., doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.04.012
Coppola D., Piscopo D., STAUDACHER T., Cigolini C., (2009) - Lava discharge rate and effusive pattern at Piton de la Fournaise from MODIS data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 184, 174–192 doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.11.031
Deroussi S., Diament M. Feret J.B., Nebut T., STAUDACHER TH, 2009, Localisation of cavities in a thick lava flow by microgravity, J. Volcano. Geotherm. Res., 184, 31-48, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.10.002
Michon L., V. Cayol, L. Letourneur, A. Peltier, N. Villeneuve, T. STAUDACHER (2009) - Edifice growth, deformation and rift zone development in basaltic setting: insights from Piton de la Fournaise shield volcano (Réunion Island). J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184, 14-30, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.11.002
Peltier, A., T. STAUDACHER, P. Bachèlery, V. Cayol (2009) Formation of the April 2007 caldera collapse at Piton de La Fournaise volcano: insights from GPS data, J. Volcano. Geotherm. Res., 152-163, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.09.009
Peltier A., Bachèlery P., STAUDACHER T., 2009, Magma transport and storage at Piton de La Fournaise (La Réunion) between 1972 and 2007: A review of geophysical and geochemical data, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 184 (2009) 93–108, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.12.008
Salaün, A., B. Villemant, M.P. Semet, Th. Staudacher Cannibalism of olivine-rich cumulate xenoliths during the 1998 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (La Reunion hotspot) Implications for the generation of magma diversity. J. Volcanol. Geortherm. Res., 198,187-204.
STAUDACHER T., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Kowalski P., Boissier P., Catherine P., Lauret F., Massin F., (2009) - The April 2007 eruption and the Dolomieu crater collapse, two major events at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean), J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184, 126–137, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.11.005
Viane C., Bhugwant C., Sieja B., STAUDACHER T., Demoly, 2009, Etude comparative des émissions de gaz volcanique du Piton de la Fournaise et des hospitalisations pour asthme de la population de 2005 à 2007, Revue française d’allergologie 49, p346-351
Vigouroux N., Williams-Jones A.E., Wallace P., STAUDACHER TH., (2009), The November 2002 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion : Tracking the pre-eruptive thermal evolution of magma using melt inclusions., Bull. Volc., doi 10.1007/s00445-009-0287-5
Villemant B., Salaün A., Staudacher T., Evidence for a homogeneous primary magma at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion): A geochemical study of matrix glass, melt inclusions and Pélé's hairs of the 1998–2008 eruptive activity, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 184 (2009) 79–92 doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2009.03.015.
Vlastelic I, Deniel C., Bosq C., Philippe Télouk, Boivin P., Bachelery P., Famin V., STAUDACHER T., 2009, Pd isotopic geochemistry of Piton de la Fournaise historical lavas, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 184, 63-78, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2008.08.008
Coppola D., James M.R., Staudacher T., Cigolini C., (2009), A comparisation of field- and satellite-derived thermal flux at Piton de la Fournaise : implications for the calculation of lava discharge rate, Bull. Volc., Volume 72, Number 3 (2010), 341-356, DOI: 10.1007/s00445-009-0320-8
Peltier, A., M. Bianchi, E. Kaminski, J-C Komorowski, A. Rucci, T. Staudacher (2010), PSInSAR as a new tool to monitor pre-eruptive volcano ground deformation: validation using GPS measurements on Piton de la Fournaise, Geophys. Res. Lett., 37, L12301, doi:10.1029/2010GL043846.
Peltier A., Staudacher T., Bachèlery P. (2010), New behaviour of the Piton de La Fournaise volcano feeding system (La Réunion Island) deduced from GPS data: Influence of the 2007 Dolomieu caldera collapse, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 192 (1-2), 48-56.
Staudacher T. (2010). Field observations of the 2008 summit eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de La Réunion) and implications on the 2007 Dolomieu collapse, J. Volcanol. Geortherm. Res., 198, 60-68.
Bouche E. , Vergniolle S., Staudacher T., Nercessian A., Delmont J.C., Frogneux M., Cartault F., Le Pichon A. 2011, The role of large bubbles detected from acoustic measurements on the dynamics of Erta 'Ale lava lake (Ethiopia). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 295, 37-48.
Massin F., V. Ferrazzini, P. Bachèlery, A. Nercessian, Z. Duputel, Th. Staudacher (2011), Structures and evolution of the plumbing system of Piton de la Fournaise volcano inferred from clustering of 2007 eruptive cycle seismicity, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 202, 96-106, doi: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2011.01.008.
Peltier, A., P. Bachèlery, T. Staudacher (2011), Early detection of large eruptions at Piton de La Fournaise volcano (La Réunion Island): contribution of a distant tiltmeter station, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 199, 96-104, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2010.11.006.
Vlastelic I., T. Staudacher, P. Bachelery, P. Telouk, D. Neuville, M. Benbakkar (2011), Lithium isotope fractionation during magma degassing: Constraints from silicic differentiates and natural gas condensates from Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Reunion Island), Chem. Geol., 284, 26-34.
Brenguier F., P. Kowalski, T. Staudacher, V. Ferrazzini, F. Lauret, P. Boissier, P. Catherine, A. Lemarchand, C. Pequegnat, O. Meric, C. Pardo, A. Peltier, S. Tait, N. M. Shapiro, M. Campillo, and A. Di Muro, First Results from the UnderVolc High Resolution Seismic and GPS network deployed on Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Seismological Research Letters Volume 83, Number 1 January/February 2012 doi: 10.1785/gssrl.83.1.88
Roult G., Peltier P., Taisne B., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Di Muro A. and the OVPF team, A new comprehensive classification of the Piton de la Fournaise activity spanning the 1985-2010 period. Search and analysis of short-term precursors from a broad-band seismological station. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 241-242, 2012, 78-104.
Clarke D., Brenguier F., Froger J-L., Shapiro N.M., Peltier A., Staudacher Th., Timing of a large volcanic flank movement at piton de la Fournaise volcano using noice-level seismic monitoring and ground deformation measurements, 2012, submitted Geophys. Res. Lett.
Got, J-L. A. Peltier, T. Staudacher, P. Kowalski, P. Boissier, How mechanical thresholds may modulate magma transfer at piton de la Fournaise volcano, in prep.
Schmid A., Grasso JR., Clarke D., Ferrazzini V., Bachèlery P., and Staudacher Th., 2012, Eruption forerunners from multi-parameter monitoring and application for eruptions time predictability (Piton de la Fournaise, submitted JGR
Vlastelic I, Staudacher T., Deniel C., Devidal JL., Devouiard B., Télouk P., Contrasting lead and lithium isotope fractionation in the fumarolic environment of Piton de la Fournaise volcano (Réunion Island), submitted GCA,.
Wada K., Heggy E., Staudacher T., Yarai H., 2012, ALOS L-band interferometric observations of the Fournaise volcano: monitoring and modelling the displacements of the 2007 major eruption, submitted to JGR-Earth Surface.
Clarke D., Brenguier F., Froger J-L., Shapiro N.M., Peltier A., Staudacher Th., Timing of a large volcanic flank movement at piton de la Fournaise volcano using noice-level seismic monitoring and ground deformation measurements, 2012, submitted Geophys. Res. Lett
ALLÈGRE C. J. & STAUDACHER TH., Terrestrial Xenology II, Proc. of the Yellowstone Seminar on Terrestrial Rare Gases, extended abstract, 1986
SARDA PH., STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C.J., Complete rare gas study of a very large unmelted cosmic dust particle from Greenland, extended abstract, Lunar and Planetary Science Conf. XXII, 1165-1166, 1991
ALLÈGRE C.J. & STAUDACHER TH., Rare gas systematics and mantle structure, extended abstract, Goldschmith conference, Edinburg, 1994
MOREIRA M., STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH., ALLÈGRE C.J. & SCHILLING J-G., Noble gas systematic of Shona ridge anomaly, 52°S Atlantic, extended abstract, Goldschmith conference, Edinburg, 1994
STAUDACHER TH., MOREIRA M. & ALLÈGRE C.J., Heterogeneity and scatter of helium isotopic ratios in MORB, extended abstract, Goldschmith conference, Edinburg, 1994
KUNZ J., STAUDACHER TH. & ALLÈGRE C.J., Terrestrial Xenology revised, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, extended abstract, 1996
SARDA PH., MOREIRA M., STAUDACHER TH., SCHILLING J.G. & ALLÈGRE C.J., Rare gas in deep mantle hot-spots on the South Atlantic Ridge, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, extended abstract, 1996.
STAUDACHER TH., LOUVAT P. & ALLÈGRE C.J., comparison of erosion rates at Reunion Island, determined by cosmic noble gases and by river geochemistry, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, extended abstract, 1996.
Servadio Z., Villeneuve N., Urai M., Staudacher T., Gladys A., Preliminary results of lava flow mapping using remote sensing in piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion, Workshop “Use of remote sensing techniques for monitoring volcanoes and seismic areas”, Naples, November 2008
Staudacher Th., Villeneuve N., Piton de la Fournaise, Chronique de l’éruption du 9 et 12 mars 1998, 1998, 18 pages, DL N°. 1483 – N.I.D. Imprimerie
Feriot J.B., Staudacher Th., Ricard L.P., Les instruments de surveillance au Piton de la Fournaise, 2000, 23 pages, N.I.D. Imprimerie
Staudacher Th., Cheminée A., La Réunion, île volcanique sur un point chaud, 2002, 25 pages, N.I.D. Imprimerie
Staudacher Th., Ruzié L., & Peltier A., Historique des éruptions du Piton de la Fournaise de 1998 à 2007, 98 pages, Graphica, 2008
STAUDACHER TH. & SARDA PH., Comment on Fisher's "Radiogenic Rare Gases and the depleted Mantle", J. Geophys. Res. 92, 2808-2812, 1987.
SARDA PH. & STAUDACHER TH., Terrestrial Primordial Neon, A comment on "Possible solar noble-gas component in Hawaiian basalts", Nature 352, 388, 1991.
STAUDACHER TH., SARDA PH. & ALLÈGRE C. J., Comment on "Atmospheric Contamination: A possible Source for Heavy Noble Gases in Basalts from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii" by D. B. Patterson, M. Honda and I. McDougall, Geophys. Res. Lett. 18, 745-748, 1991.
STAUDACHER TH., Noble gases, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, ed. Marshall and R.W. Fairbridge, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston, London, 1999, pp. 216-218
STAUDACHER TH., Helium, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, 1999, pp. 312-314, dito
STAUDACHER TH., Neon, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, 1999, pp. 422-423, dito
STAUDACHER TH., Argon, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, 1999, pp. 18-19, dito
STAUDACHER TH., Krypton, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, 1999, p 358, dito
STAUDACHER TH., Xenon, in The Encyclopedia of Geochemistry, 1999, pp. 671-672, dito
Froger, J.-L., T. Souriot, N. Villeneuve, T. Rabaute, P. Durand, V. Cayol, A. Di Muro, T. Staudacher and B. Fruneau, Apport des données TerraSAR-X pour le suivi de l’activité du Piton de la Fournaise : Premiers résultats. Revue Française de Photogrammétrie et de Télédétection. (accepted, in press)
Staudacher Th., Jessberger E. K. & Dörflinger D., Eine neue Aufschluißapparatur für 40Ar-39Ar Datierungen, Frühjahrstagung Extraterrestrische Physik & Panet Kolloquium, Mainz, 1976
Jessberger E. K., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., The K-Ar System can ignore the gigant Serenitatis Basin Forming Impact on the Moon, ECOG IV, Amsterdam, 1976
Jessberger E. K., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., Ages of Plutonic clasts in Consortium breccia 73215, Lunar Science Conf. VII, Houston, 1976
Staudacher Th., Dominik B., Jessberger E. K., Kirsten T. & Schaeffer O. A., K-Ar Alter eines Bohrkerns aus dem Nördlinger Ries mit Implikationen für die Mondchronologie, Frühjahrstagung Extraterrestrische Physik, Braunschweig, 1977
Staudacher Th., Dominik B., Jessberger E. K. & Schaeffer O. A., 40Ar-39Ar dating of Ries drill core mineral separates and the problem of impact resetting of the K-Ar Clock, ECOG V, Pisa, 1977
Staudacher Th., Jessberger E. K. & Kirsten T., 40Ar-39Ar age systematics of Consortium breccia 73215, Lunar Science Conf., Houston, 1977
Jessberger E. K., Dominik B., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., New 40Ar-39Ar ages of Apollo 16 breccia and 4.42 AE old anorthosites, Lunar Science Conf. VIII, Houston, 1977
Jessberger E. K., Dominik B., Schaeffer O. A. & Staudacher Th., K-Ar Systematics of impact breccia from the Nördlinger Ries. 4th meeting of the European Geophysical Society, München, 1977
Jessberger E. K., Staudacher Th., Dominik B. & Herzog G. F., Alte Einschlüsse in jungen Monbrekzien, Sektion Geochimie, Göttingen, 1977
Jessberger E. K., Staudacher Th., Dominik B. & Herzog G. F., 40Ar-39Ar dating of the Pueblito de Allende Meteorite, 40th meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Cambridge, 1977
Jessberger E. K., Staudacher Th., Dominik B. & Herzog G. F., Suche nach "Presolar Grains" im Meteoriten Allende, 68. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung, Münster, 1978
Staudacher Th., Dominik B., Jessberger E. K. & Kirsten T., Consortium breccia 73255: 40Ar-39Ar Dating, Lunar Sci. Conf. IX, Houston, 1978
Jessberger E. K., Dominik B., Staudacher Th., Nagel K. & El Goresy A., Geochemistry and dating of a new type white inclusion of Allende, Lunar Sci. Conf. IX, Houston 1978
Staudacher Th. & Jessberger E. K., Untersuchung der Wärmegeschichte des Nördlinger Rieses mittels 40Ar-39Ar Messungen, Panet Kolloquium, Mainz, 1978
Staudacher Th., Jessberger E. K., Dörflinger D. & Kiko J., Ein verbesserter Ultrahochvacuumofen für Edelgas-messungen, Methoden Massenspektrometrischer Isotopen-analysen, Zürich, 1978
Staudacher Th. & Jessberger E. K., Die Temperaturgeschichte der Brekziendecken im Nördlinger Ries, 69. Jahrestagung der Geologischen Vereinigung, Münster, 1978
Staudacher Th., Dominik B, Flohs I., Jessberger E. K. & Kirsten T., 40Ar-39Ar Altersbestimmungen von Apollo 17 Hochland-brekzien, Sektion Geochimie, Mainz, 1979
Staudacher Th., Dominik B, Flohs I., Jessberger E. K. & Kirsten T., 40Ar-39Ar Datierungen von Apollo 17 Brekzien und das Alter des Serenitatisbeckens, Tagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft, Kiel, 1979
Staudacher Th., Dominik B, Flohs I., Jessberger E. K. & Kirsten T., New 40Ar-39Ar ages for aphanites and clasts of Consortium breccia 73255, Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. X, Houston, 1979
Flohs I., Jordan J., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., Joint K-Ar, I-Xe, Pu-Xe Chronometrie of ordinary Chondrites, 42nd meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Heidelberg, 1979
Jessberger E. K. & Staudacher Th., On the maximal initial temperature of the Nördlinger Ries ejecta, 42nd meeting of the Meteoritical Society, Heidelberg, 1979
Flohs I., Jordan J., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., 40Ar-39Ar Datierungen an Mineralseparaten gewöhnlicher Chondite, Frühjahrstagung Arbeitsgemeinschaft Extraterrestrischer Physik, Mainz, 1980
Flohs I., Jordan J., Kirsten T. & Staudacher Th., 40Ar-39Ar ages of ordinary chondrites, 7th annual meeting of the Geophysical Society, Budapest, 1980
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Edelgase in Basaltgläsern der Mittelozeanischen Grabensenken, Frühjahrstagung, Heidelberg, 1981
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., 129Xe excesses in typical MORB from the Pacific Ocean. Consequences about the mean age of the atmosphere and the structure of the Earth's mantle, EUG I, Strasbourg, 1981
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., 129Xe excesses in typical MORB from the Pacific Ocean. Consequences about the mean age of the atmosphere and the structure of the Earth's mantle, American Geophysical Union Spring meeting, 1981
Allègre C. J. & Staudacher Th., Terrestrial Xenology, ECOG, Jerusalem, 1981
Staudacher Th., Allègre C. J. & Sarda Ph., Geochimie systématique des gaz rares, une introduction, RAST, Paris, 1982
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Composition isotopique de l'argon et du xenon dans les basaltes océaniques et l'age de l'atmosphère terrestre, RAST, Paris, 1982
Staudacher Th., Allègre C. J. & Sarda Ph., Noble gases in terrestrial rocks: mantle, continental and oceanic crust, American Geophysical Union, Philadelphia, 1982
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Very high 40Ar/36Ar isotopic ratios in mantle derived samples and the mean age of the atmosphere, American Geophysical Union, Philadelphia, 1982
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Comparative Ar-Xe systematics in the Earth's mantle, Conference on Planetary Volatiles, Alexandria, Minnesota, 1982
Staudacher Th., Allègre C. J., Sarda Ph. & Kurz M., Constraints on the evolution of the Earth's mantle from rare gas systematics, EUG II, Strasbourg, 1983
Staudacher Th., Kurz M., Allègre C. J. & Song Hebin, Noble gases in granitoids, EUG II, Strasbourg, 1983
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., The argon isotopic composition in MORB glasses and the degassing history of the Earth's mantle, EUG II, Strasbourg, 1983
Allègre C. J., Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph. & Kurz M., Rare gas isotope systematics in oceanic basalts: Constraints on the formation of the atmosphere and structure of the mantle, AGU, Spring meeting, Baltimore, 1983
Allègre C. J., Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph. & Kurz M., Rare gas isotope systematics: structure and evolution of the mantle-atmosphere system, AGU Fall-meeting, San Francisco, 1983
Allègre C. J., Staudacher Th. & Sarda Ph., Rare gas systematics and the structure of the mantle, 24th Intern. Geological Meeting, Moscou, 1984
Staudacher, Th. & Allègre C. J., Noble gases in MORB samples from the Indian Ocean, ECOG VIII, Braunslage, 1984
Staudacher, Th., Allègre C. J. & Kurz M., New noble gas data on samples from Loihi Seamount and Hualalai, British Isotope Geology Group, Cambridge, 1985
Staudacher Th., Allègre C. J. & Kurz M., New noble gas data from Hawaiian samples: Reliability of isotopic ratios, EUG III, Strasbourg, 1985
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Identification des région sources des MORB et des basaltes des îles océanique à l'aide des gaz rares, Réunion commune de la S.F.M.C et de la S.G.F., Paris, 1985
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., New noble gas data on oceanic basalt glasses and continental crustal material. B.I.G.G. & E.A.G. meeting, London, 1986
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon isotopic composition in acidic rocks and oceanic basalts, I.C.O.G. VI, Cambridge, 1986
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Systematic of xenon isotopes in mid oceanic basalt glasses: the persistance of 129Xe isotopic anomalies, I.C.O.G. VI, Cambridge, 1986
Sarda Ph. & Staudacher Th., Le neon: géochimie isotopique dans les roches acides, RAST, 1986
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., The persistance of xenon excesses in MORB glasses and their implications for different mantle models, AGU, Baltimore, 1986
Sarda Ph., Richardson S. H., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon isotopic systematics in oceanic and continental rocks: a survey, AGU, Baltimore, 1986
Allègre C. J. & Staudacher Th., Terrestrial Xenology II, Yellowstone Seminar on Terrestrial Rare gases, Yellowstone Park, 1986
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., The Earth's mantle seen from the noble gas point of view, AGU, San Francisco, 1986
Sagna I., Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., Richardson S. R. & Allègre C. J., Noble gas systematics in MORB glasses of a topographic high on the mid-atlantic ridge at 14°N, EUG IV, Strasbourg, 1987
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon Isotope Geochemistry, EUG IV, Strasbourg, 1987
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., The Earth's noble gas history, EUG IV, Strasbourg, 1987
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon isotopes in basalts, Goldschmidt Conf., 1988, Baltimore.
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Noble gases in glass samples from Tahiti: Teahitia, Rocard and Mehetia, 1rst European Association for Geochemistry, Paris, 1988
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon isotopes in the mantle, EAG I, Paris, 1988
Javoy M., Pineau F., Staudacher Th. & Cheminée J. L., Mantle volatiles sampled from a continental rift: The 1988 eruption of OLDOINYO LENGAI (Tanzania), EUG V, Strasbourg, 1989
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Noble gas abundances and isotopic composition in basalt glasses from pacific hotspots, EUG V, Strasbourg, 1989
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Neon isotopic anomalies in the upper mantle, EUG V, Strasbourg, 1989, Terra Cognita, vol.1, page 324.
Staudacher Th., Helium, Argon and Xenon in MORB Glasses, Max Planck Institut für Chemie, Mainz, (march 1990)
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Noble Gas Systematics in MORB and a coherent Degassing Model, AGU Baltimore, 1990
Allègre C. J. & Staudacher Th., The Origin of Josephinites, a new Noble Gas Study, AGU Baltimore, 1990
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Noble Gas Systematics on Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, International Meeting, Intraplate Volcanism, The Réunion Hotspot, La Réunion, 1990.
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Helium and Argon Signatures of MacDonald Seamount (Austral Islands) and of Volcanoes from the Society Islands, Indian Ocean, International Meeting, Intraplate Volcanism, The Réunion Hotspot, La Réunion, 1990.
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Cosmogenic 21Ne: A New Tracer in Geochemistry, AGU Fall Meeting 1990, San Francisco.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Ne and 3He: Cosmic influx to the mantle, EUG VI, Strasbourg, 1991.
Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Cosmogenic Ne in ultramafic xenoliths from Central Asia and in a quartz sample from Antarctica, EUG VI, Strasbourg, 1991.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Ar-Pb global isotopic correlations in MORB, EUG VI, Strasbourg, 1991.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., Complete Rare Gas Study of a Very Large Unmelted Cosmic Dust Particle from Greenland, Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf. XXII, Houston, 1991.
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Noble Gas Signature and Isotopic Excesses in MORB, Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, Honkong, 1992.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C. J., A coherent degassing model for Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton and Xenon, International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan 1992.
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Noble Gas Signature and Isotopic Excesses in MORB, International Geological Congress, Kyoto, Japan 1992.
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., P. Tapponnier, M. Fort & Allègre C. J., Preliminary ages of the Jifang Qiao glacier moraines, Western Tibet, determined from cosmogenic noble gas isotopes, Intern. Symp. on the Karakorum and Kunlu mountains, june 5-9, 1992, Kashi, Chine.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th., P. Tapponnier & Allègre C. J., On the use of cosmogenic noble gases for dating geological surfaces, Intern. Symp. on the Karakorum and Kunlu mountains, june 5-9, 1992, Kashi, Chine.
Staudacher Th., & Allègre C. J., Age of the second caldera of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island, determined from cosmic ray produced 3He and 21Ne, AGU meeting, 1992.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th., & Allègre C. J., Cosmogenic 3He and 21Ne in Olivines from Réunion Island, Measurement of erosion rates, AGU meeting, 1992.
Staudacher Th., & Allègre C. J., Formation age of the caldera II and some very young ages from eruption phase III of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island, determined from cosmic ray produced 3He and 21Ne, EUG meeting, 1993.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th., & Allègre C. J., Systematic of Cosmic ray produced 3He and 21Ne in Olivine Seperates from 65000 y old basalts from Réunion Island, Determination of Erosion Rates, EUG meeting, 1993.
Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., & Allègre C. J., Xe, Ar and Ne isotopic composition in MORB: the present state, Yamada Conference XXXVIII, Intern. workshop on Noble Gas Geochemistry and Cosmochemistry, jan. 17-19, 1994, Kyoto, Japon.
Sarda Ph., Staudacher Th., & Allègre C. J., Rare gas systematics in mantle materials, Berkley, ICOG, 1994
Allègre C. J., & Staudacher Th., Rare gases systematics and mantle structure, Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburg, 1994
Staudacher Th., M. Moreira & Allègre C. J., Herterogeneity and scatter of Helium isotopic ratios in MORB, Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburg, 1994
Moreira M., Staudacher Th., Sarda Ph., Allègre C. J. & J.-G. Schilling, Noble gas systematic of Shona ridge anomaly, 52°S Atlantic, Goldschmidt Conference, Edinburg, 1994
Valbracht P.J., Staudacher Th., Malahov A. & Allègre C. J., Solar signals from Loihi Seamount, Hawaii, EUG VIII, 1995
Moreira M., Staudacher Th., Valbracht P.J. & Allègre C. J., Noble gases in Red Sea Ridge Basalts, EUG VIII, 1995
Staudacher Th., Allègre C.J., Sarda Ph.,Valbracht P.J., Moreira M., Noble gas signature and isotopic excesses in the Earth Mantle, EUG VIII, 1995
Sarda Ph., Moreira M., Staudacher Th., Schilling J.G. & Allègre C.J., Rare gas in deep mantle hot-spots on the South Atlantic Ridge, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, 1996.
Staudacher Th., Louvat P. & Allègre C.J., Comparison of erosion rates at Reunion Island, determined by cosmic noble gases and by river geochemistry, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, 1996.
Kunz J., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C.J., Terrestrial Xenology revised, Goldschmith Conference, Heidelberg, 1996.
Staudacher TH., Ricard L.P., Cheminée J.L., Semet M., Monnin M. & Seidel J.L., Large scale radon survey at Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, Reunion island, Meeting of the IAVCEI, Mexico, 1997
Staudacher TH., Moreira M. & Allègre C.J., A surprising constancy of the 4He/3He ratio in rocks from the Deccan Traps - Mascarene hot spot chain, 9ème Réunion de la European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, 1997
Ricard L.P., Staudacher Th., Cheminée J.L., Semet M. et Seidel J.L., Systematic survey of radon-222 activity at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island, 9ème Réunion de la European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, 1997
Kunz J., Moreira M., Staudacher Th. & Allègre C.J., Progress report on xenon (and other noble gases) isotopic composition in the mantle, 9ème Réunion de la European Union of Geosciences, Strasbourg, 1997
Seidel J.L., Monnin M., Garcia Vindas J.R., Fernandez E., Ricard L.P., & Staudacher Th., Systematic radon survey over active volcanoes, 4. ICRGG, Rome 1997.
Staudacher Th., Noble gas geochemistry of volcanic sources of MORB and OIB, Gruppo nazionale per la vucanologia - CNR, Catana 2-4 march 1998
Staudacher Th., Ricard L.P., Cheminée J.L., Seismic crises anticipated by 222Rn pulses at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island, Symposiun « Understanding and Predicting Major Volcanic and seismic Hazards » Keele, Geoscience 98 meeting, 1998
Staudacher Th., Seidel J.L. Ricard L.P., Cheminée J.L., Radon network at Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island: seismic crises anticipated by 222Rn pulses, EGS, Nice, 1998
Bonvalot S., Diament M., Deplus C., Gabalda G. & Staudacher Th., Microgravity monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano (La Réunion), EGS, Nice, 1998
Staudacher Th., Seidel J.L. Ricard L.P., Cheminée J.L., 222-radon as precursor for volcanic activity, the radon network at Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion Island, IVC'98 congress, Cape Town, 1998
Moreira M., A. Battani, Th. Staudacher, Ph. Sarda & C.J. Allègre, Rare gas systematics in Indian Ocean Basalts, AGU, 1998.
Miura Y., Staudacher Th., Kaneoka & Nagao, cosmogenic noble gases in olivine separates of Reunion Island, Japan Earth and Planetary Join Meeting, Tokyo, 1998
Villeneuve N., Neuville D.R., Boivin D.R., Bachèlery P., Staudacher Th., Semet M., & Cheminée J.L., Experimental approach of viscosity for recent basalts of Piton de la Fournaise Volcano, EGS, Den Haag, 1999
Zlotnicki J., Le Mouël J.L., Cheminée J.L., Yvetot P., Ardisson M.H., Staudacher Th., Electromagnetic signals related to the March 9, 1998 eruption of Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island), DUGG, 1999
Staudacher T., Aki K., Bachelèry P., Catherine P., Ferrazzini V., Hochard D., Kowalski P., Ricard LP., Villeneuve N., Cheminée JL., New eruptive cycle at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island, EGS, Nice, March 2001
Staudacher T., Aki K., Bachelèry P., Catherine P., Ferrazzini V., Hochard D., Kowalski P., Ricard LP., Villeneuve N., Cheminée JL., New eruptive cycle at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Reunion Island, piton de la Fournaise starts a new cycle of high eruptive activity, EUG XI, Strasbourg April 2001
Bachelèry P., Ricard LP., Staudacher T., Catherine P., Kowalski P., Extensometer variations, a refined precursor of volcanic eruptions, EGS-EUG, Nice March 2002
Briole P., Tremblay Y., Villeneuve N., Pavez A., Staudacher T., Cartography and volume of the June and October 2000 lava flows, EGS, Nice, March 2002
Bhugwant C., Siega B., Rivière E., Perron L., Staudacher T., Regional transport of polluants emitted from the June-July 2001 eruption of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, EGS XXVII General Assembly, Nice, 21-26 April 2002
Vlastélic I., Staudacher Th., Short term (1998-2002) geochemical evolution of the Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Réunion Island, AGU (V07) 2002
Staudacher T., Bachelèry P., Ricard LP., Catherine P., Kowalski P., Cheminée JL., The Piton de la Fournaise volcanic network: looking for refined precursors of volcanic eruptions, Martinique meeting Mai 2002
Collombet M., Grasso J., Ferrazzini V., Bachelèry P., Cheminée JL., Delmont H., Hirn A., Catherine P., Kowalski P., Lepine J., Ricard LP., Staudacher T., Taochy P., Toutain J., Seismic rate and volcano dynamics at piton de la Fournaise volcano (Indian Ocean), AGU 2002
Zlotnicki J., Mikhailov V., Le Mouël JL., Gvishiani A., Santos F., Yvetot P., Sergey W., Fauquet F., Bougoudinov S., Kanwar R., Donnadieu G., Staudacher T., Magnetic, electric and electromagnetic studies on active volcanoes: La Fournaise case (Reunion Island), JSA 06,
Semet MP., Joron JL., Staudacher T., the 1998-2002 activity of Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island : lessons in magma supply and transfers, EGU 2003
Froger JL., Fukushima Y., Briole P. Saudacher T., Souriot T., Villeneuve N., Cheminée JL., ASAR interferometry at Piton de la Fournaise, preliminary results, Fringe Workshop 2003 ESA-ESRIN Rome
Semet MP., Staudacher T., Joron JL., Crystal-liquide relationships in the 1998-2003 eruptive products of Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island, Nice 2004
Coppola, D., STAUDACHER, TH., and Cigolini, C., 2005, The May–July 2003 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion): Volume, effusion rates, and emplacement mechanisms inferred from thermal imaging and global positioning system (GPS) survey, abstract
Bachelèry P., Staudacher T., Ricard LP., Catherine P., Kowalski P., Cheminée JL., The use of extensometers for long term forcasting of volcanic eruptions, Intern. Symposium “reducing volcanic risk in islands”, June, Tenerife, Spain, 2004
Staudacher T., Peltier A., Ferrazzini V., Bachelèry P., August 2003 eruption at piton de la Fournaise, Réuniopn Island, GPS, extensometer and tiltmeter measurements and seimicity, IAVCEI 2004
Froger JL., Tinard P., Fukushima Y., Briole P. Saudacher T., Souriot T., One year of volcanic activity at Piton de la Fournaise, monitored by ASAR interferometry, IAVCEI 2004 General Assemby, Pucon, Chile
Froger JL., Tinard P., Fukushima Y., Briole P. Saudacher T., Souriot T., One year of volcanic activity at Piton de la Fournaise, monitored by ASAR interferometry, XI Simposio latinoAmericano Sobre Perception Remota y Sistema de Information Espacial, Santiago, Chile, 2004
Coppola D., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Cigolini C., Seismic and thermal monitoringf during the August 2003 flank eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion Island), IAVCEI 2004
Longpré MA., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Stix J., Ground deformation, seimicity, and pit crater collapse associated with the November 2002 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, IAVCEI 2004
Villeneuve N., Egels Y., Staudacher T., Bacghelèry P., Cheminée JL., Volume and shape modelling of teh 1998 lava flow field at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Island of la Réunion, by photogrammetry with Poiviller E., IAVCEI 2004
Staudacher T., Kowalski P., Briole P., Cheminée JL., Large ground deformations of Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Island of La Réunion, associated with volcanic activity, RST Strasbourg September 2004
Ferrazzini V., Aki K., Catherine P., Staudacher T., Kowalski P., Ricard LP., Villeneuve N., Cheminée JL., 1998 to 2004, Piton de la Fournaise volcano entered in a new phase of high volcanic activity, RST Strasbourg September 2004
Villeneuve N., Staudacher T., Bacherlèry P., Briole P., Cheminée JL., Subsidence and downslope motion of the 1998 lava flow at Piton de la Fournaise measured by kinematic GPS profiles, RST Strasbourg September
Labazuy P., Charbonnier S., Staudacher T., Oehler JF., New insights on the December 2001 pit crater at piton de la Fouirnaise from self potential and GPS survey, EGU 2004
Coppola D., Laiolo M., Staudacher T., Temperature distribution on active ephemeraml vents : preliminary investigations, Bristol 2004
Tinard P., Froger JL., Fukushima Y., Cayol V., Briole P., Staudacher T., Souriot T., One and a half year of INSAR monitoring of volcanic activity at Piton d ela Fournaise, Reunion island, with ASAR-ENVISAT data, AGU Fall Meeting San Francisco, 2004
Staudacher T., Barrère A., Bou JM., & the OVPF team, The Friday August 13, 2004 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise : from the summit to the sea, RST Strasbourg 2004
Cheminée JL., Semet MP., Staudacher T., Joron JL., Bachelèry P., Piton de la Fournaise : monitoring eruptions and magmas for 25 years, RST Strasbourg 2004
Michon L., Bachèlery P., Villeneuve N., Staudacher T., Control of the oceanic lithosphere in the deformation of shield volcanoes: application to the Piton de la Fournaise and the Réunion Island, Indian Ocean, RST Strasbourg 2004
Peltier A., Ferrazzini V., Bachèlery P., Staudacher Th., The dynamic of magma injections before recent eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion Island, RST Strasbourg 2004
Staudacher T., Barrère A., Bou JM., & the OVPF team, Friday August 13: an uncommen eruption at Piton de la Fournaise Isle de La Réunion, SAL, Cap Verde, April 2005
Staudacher T., Catherine P., Cheminée JL., Ferrazzini V., Kowalski P., Ricard LP., Villeneuve N., 1998 to 2004, periode of intense volcanic activity at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Isle de La Reunion, SAL, Cap Verde, April 2005
Bachèlery P., Catherine P., Cheminée JL., Kowalski P., Ricard LP Staudacher T., Extensometer as long term precursors for volcanic eruptions, , SAL, Cap Verde, April 2005
Peltier A., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Bachèlery P., Evolution of the Piton de la Fournaise actitity and follow-up of eruptions between 1999 and 2004, SAL, Cap Verde, April 2005
Coppola D., Staudacher T., Cigolini C., Estimation of effusion rates using MODI: the May-July 2003 eruption at piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion), abstract
Tinard P., Froger JL., Briole P., Staudacher T., Fukushima Y., Souriot Two years of INSAR monitoring of volcanic activity at piton de la Fournaise (Reunion Island) using ASAR-ENVISAT data, INGV-CNR-ESA workshop (Use of Remote Sensing Techniques for Monitoring Volcanoes and Seismic areas), Naples June 2005
Bachèlery P., Catherine P., Cheminée JL., Kowalski P., Ricard LP Staudacher T., Detection of long term precursors of volcanic eruptions with extensometer: the eight yers lesson of monitoring at Piton de la Fournaise – La Réunion, EGU Vienne April 2005
Peltier A., Staudacher T., Bachèlery P., Constraints on sources of pressure and magma flux from dispalcements data at Piton de la Fournaise during 2003, EGU, Vienna, 2006
Coppola D., Staudacher T., Cigolini C., Roofing over a lava channel: applications of thermal imaging, EUG, Vienna, 2006
Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Semet MP., Staudacher T., Geophysical and geochemical arguments for three levels of dyke initiation in the shallower reservoir at Piton de la Fournaise, AGU 2006
Coppola D., Staudacher T., Cigolini C., The raditive thermogramme: a useful way to visualize field thermal data, EUG, 2007
Urai M., Geshi N., Staudacher T., Size and volume evaluation of the caldera collapse on Piton de la Fournaise volcano during the April 2007 eruption by ASTER stereo imaging function, AGU Fall meeting 2007
Vlastélic I., Telouk P., Staudacher T., Li isotopic signature of the Réunion plume inferredfrom LI-Pb isotope systematic of Piton de la Fournaise historic lavas, Goldschmidt 2007
Heggy E., Wada K., Khan S., Staudacher T., Kaminski E., Gabsi T., Logonné P., Tait S., Bonneville A., Koromowski JC., Fujiwara S., Boisson S., Villeneuve N., Necsoiu M., Mapping buried and exposed lava floxs in arid volcanic terrains using polarimetric and multiple frequencies SAR and GPR, Intern. Geoscience & Remote sensing symposium, Boston July 2008
Peltier A., Bachèlery P., Staudacher T., Magma transfer and storage at Piton de la Fournaise (La Réunion Island) : a review of 35 years of eruptive activity from geophysical and geochemical data, poster, AERES March 2008
Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Kowalski P., Catherine P., Boissier P., Massin P., Lauret F., Peltier A., The April 2, 2007 eruption and the formation of the Dolomieu caldera, poster, AERES March 2008
Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., April 6, 2007 formation of the Dolomieu caldera, poster, AERES March 2008
Peltier A, Staudacher T., Bachèlery P., Constraints on sources of pressure and magma flux from displacement data at piton de la Fournaise during 2003, poster, AERES March 2008
Staudacher T., April 2007 eruption and caldera formation at Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de La Réunion), Workschop on volcanology March 2008, La Réunion
Bachèlery P., Peltier A., Staudacher T., Integrated monitoring and modelling of volcanic activity, IAVCEI Reykjavik 2008
Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Multi-discipline monitoring of eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de la Réunion, IAVCEI Reykjavik 2008
Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Peltier A., Kowalski P., Catherine P., Boissier P., The April 2007 eruption and Dolomieu caldera formation at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, Ile de la Réunion, IAVCEI Reykjavik 2008
Roult G., Ferrazzini V., Pillet R., Peltier A., Staudacher T., Michon L., Taisne B., Deformation of the Piton de la Fournaise volcanoe (La Réunion Island) monitored by the horizontal components of the broad band GEOSCOPE RER station, AGU Fall meeting 2009
Augier A., Froger JL., Cayol V., Byrdina S., Souriot T. Staudacher T., Understanding the April 2007 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, reunion Island, from ENVISAR-ASAR and ALOS-PALSAR satellite data, ILP joint task force meeting, Clermont Ferrand, Oct. 2009
Garofalo K., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Kowalski P., Boissier P., Dupond A., Peltier A., Villemant B., Boudon G., Eruptive SO2-plume measurements at Piton de la Fournaise (Ile de La Réunion) by stationary NOVAC scanning MAX-DOAS instruments, EGU Vienna April 2009
Staudacher T., Boissier P., Catherine P., Ferrazzini V., Garofalo K., Ferrazzini V., Kowalski P., Peltier A., Lauret F., multi-discipline monitoring network at Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de La Réunion, EGU Vienna April 2009
Peltier A., Staudacher T., Boissier P., Lauret F.,Kowalski P., Analysis of five years of continuous GPS recording at Piton de la Fournaise (Réunion Island); evidences of twotime scales of ground deformation, EGU Vienna April 2009
Massin F., Ferrazzini V., Bachèlery P., Nercessian A., Duputel Z., Staudacher T., Seismological study of the structure and the evolution of Piton de la Fournaise plumbing system from the April 2007 major eruption, EGU Vienna April 2009
Augier A., Cayol V., Froger JL., Staudacher T. and Souriot T., Post-eruptive displacements of the April 2007 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, Réunion Island, from InSAR data, AGU 2010.
Boisier P., Staudacher T., Lauret F., Kowalski P., Di Muro A., Permanent and real time GPS network at Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de La Réunion, example of the November 2009 to January 2010 eruptions, Cities on Volcanoes, session 1.3, June 2010, Tenerife 2010.
Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Ferrazzini V., Brenguier F., Pattern and causes of cyclic eruptive behaviour at piton de la Fournaise volcano after the 2007 summit caldera collapse, Cities on Volcanoes, session 1.2 June 2010, Tenerife 2010
Raphael Antoine R., Baratoux D., Rabinowicz M., Saracco G., Hermitte D., Finizola A., Darrozes J., Gabalda G., Bachelery P., Staudacher T., 2010, Air-cooled volcanoes ? Exploration and modeling at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Reunion Island, session S-VC063 Active volcanism Program, Japan Geoscience Union Meeting Mai 2010, Japon.
Staudacher T., Peltier A., Boissier P., and Di Muro A., 2010, The 2009 and 2010 eruptions and shallow intrusions at Piton de la Fournaise, La Réunion Island seen by GPS measurements, EGU 2010, Vienne,
Hibert C., Dewez T., Mangeney A., Grandjean G., Boissier P., Catherine P., Kowalski P., Staudacher T., Photogrammetric monitoring in the active crater of Piton de la Fournaise volcano , La Réunion Island, EGU 2010, Vienne
Froger JL., Bato MG., Souriot T., Villeneuve N., Durand P., Cayol V., Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Fruteau B., High resolution interferometric monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise with COSMO SkyMed data, Cosmo-SkyMed ASI, March 2010, Rome
Froger JL., Villeneuve N., Souriot T., Rabaute T., Durand P., Cayol V., Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Fruteau B., Tinel C., High resolution interferommetric monitoring of Piton de la Fournaise with TerraSAR-X data, 4ème TerraSAR-X meeting Feb 2011
Staudacher T., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Brenguier F., Boissier P., Kowalski P., Catherine P., Lauret F., Beauducel F., The Piton de la Fournaise, a closely monitored volcano, poster, EGU 2011, Vienne
Staudacher T., Di Muro A., Ferrazzini V., Brenguier F., Boissier P., Kowalski P., Catherine P., Lauret F., Douris H., The 2010 eruptive cycle at Piton de la Fournaise, volcano, EGU 2011, Vienne
Allard P., La Spina A., Tamburello G., Aiuppa A., Di Muro A., and Staudacher T., First measurements of magmatic gas composition and fluxes during an eruption (October 2010) of Piton de la Fournaise hot spot volcano, La Reunion island, EGU 2011, Vienne
Allard P., La Spina A., Tamburello G., Aiuppa A., Di Muro A., and Staudacher T., First measurements of magmatic gas composition and fluxes during an eruption (October 2010) of Piton de la Fournaise hot spot volcano, La Reunion island, CCVG-IAVCEI, 11th Gas Workshop, Kamchatka, Russia, Sept. 2011
Allard P., La Spina A., Tamburello G., Aiuppa A., Coquet A., Brenguier F., Coppola D., Di Muro A., Burton M., Staudacher T., First cross-correlated measurements of magma dynamics and degassing during a dyke eruption at Piton de la Fournaise hot spot volcano, Réunion Island, AGU fall meeting San Francisco, 2011
Staudacher T., Boissier P., Peltier A., Kowalski P., Di Muro A., Brenguier F., Long term GPS recordings at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, La Reunion Island, EGU Vienne, April 2012
Froger JL.,, Cayol V., Augier A., Batomc., Villeneuve N., T., Menassian S., Eschenbach B., Durand P., Staudacher T., Di Muro A., Fruneau B., Rabaute T., Tinel C., Nine years of InSAR Monitoring at Piton de la Fournaise, Results and perspectives, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012
Staudacher T., Peltier A., Boissier P. , Kowalski P. , Di Muro A. , Lauret F., Brenguier F. , Walpersdorf A., Permanent and cinematic GPS network at Piton de la Fournaise, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012
Staudacher T., Di Muro A., Peltier A., Roult G., and the OVPF team, 60 years of volcanic eruptions at Piton de la Fournaise volcano, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012
Menassian S., Froger JL., Bato MG., Cayol V., Villeneuve N., Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Souriot T., Characterization of deformation source geometry for the October 2010 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise, reunion Island: a numerical approach, poster, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012
Davoine PA., Saint-Marc C., Chevallier M., Boissier P., Di Muro A., Staudacher T., Villanova M., Snoussi M., Improving volcanological data management by innovative geomatics approaches, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012
Kowalski P., Di Muro A. , Staudacher T., Boissier P. , Lauret F., Catherine P., Ferrazziniç V., Evolution of permanent geophysical monitoring network at Piton de la Fournaise volcano over the last 30 years, poster, AGU Chapman, Hawaii August 2012